Minnesota Energy Code Course

  • 1 Hour Course
  • 4.0 48 Reviews
  • $25.00

This 1-hour class on the Minnesota Energy Code focuses on the residential provisions of that code and the ways they have been adapted for the state. It’s divided into four lessons: 

  • Lesson 1: Overview: The Schedule for Updating the Energy Code, how the Energy Codes work together, and upcoming energy code changes for 2024-2026. 
  • Lesson 2: The scope, applicability, and enforcement of the energy codes, including the role of construction documents 
  • Lesson 3: The Building Thermal Envelope, Criteria for Insulation Waterproofing and Windows, and Insulated Foundation and Basement Walls 
  • Lesson 4: Systems, including Mechanical Ventilation, Balanced and Heat Recovery Systems; Multifan and Forced Air Circulation Systems; Intake Openings and Dampers; Filtration; Noise & Vibration; Controls; Labeling; Documentation & Climatic Design Conditions. 
  • Course ID(s): 10767
  • Approved By: Minnesota Department of Labor & Industry

Instructor Bio

Chuck Wilkins

Charles “Chuck” Wilkins is currently the Vice President of Operations for Frontier Construction in Illinois. He is experienced as a manager overseeing project managers, superintendents, safety programs, education, policies, procedures, and client relations. Chuck has also worked as a Project Manager and Superintendent in the Chicago area and holds two bachelor's degrees. Chuck is also currently a Certified Distanced Education Instructor (CDEI) through the International Distance Education Certification Center (IDECC).

Course Reviews

48 Reviews