Utah 12-Hour Package for Utah Plumbers

  • 12 Hour Course
  • 4.3 1256 Reviews
  • $99.00

This 12-hour package is approved for Utah plumbers. Included are the following two courses:

  • 2021 IPC Update
  • Common Problems for Plumbers

The following topics are covered:

  • Identify major changes introduced in the 2021 edition of the IPC.
  • Describe regulations surrounding the design, approval, and installation of water heaters.
  • Understand definitions of terms from chapter two of the IPC, recognizing their specific meanings within the context of the code.
  • Recognize general regulations in plumbing as described in chapter three.
  • List the minimum requirements for plumbing fixtures, faucets, and fixture fittings.
  • Outline key regulations for sanitary drainage systems.
  • Explain requirements for indirect connections to the sanitary drainage system and the handling of special wastes.
  • Identify venting requirements as outlined in chapter nine.
  • Describe the design and installation requirements for nonpotable water systems.
  • Recognize design requirements and installation limitations for traps, interceptors, and separators.
  • Understand the purpose and installation requirements for storm drainage systems to prevent building damage.
  • Explain regulations for nonflammable medical gas systems, oxygen-fuel gas systems, and other special piping and storage systems.
  • Summarize key regulations governing water supply and distribution systems.
  • Summarize the regulations for the design and installation of subsurface landscape irrigation systems using nonpotable water.
  • Recognize the importance of the referenced standards in chapter 15 and understand how they integrate with the IPC.
  • When you finish this course, you will understand how to apply the latest plumbing code changes in practical settings.
  • Common problems in plumbing:
    • Ten Common & Avoidable Plumbing Problems, including pipe noise; optimal slopes, mismatched pipes, air gaps, floor drains, cleanouts & handicapped access
    • Traps – understanding them & what can go wrong
    • Vents – principles, rules & a look at common, circuit, island & relief vents
    • Cross-Connection – Risk Assessment; Causes (Siphonage & Back-Pressure); Protection Strategies, including Recommended Passive and Active Device Types for Specific Applications, and Potential Problems
    • Corrosion Control, including Materials, Design, Protective Coating & Passivation, Cathodic Protection, Dielectric Protection & Water Treatment
    • Customer-Created Problems – Drain abuse, DIY plumbers, and the role of professionalism
  • Approved By: Utah DOPL

Instructor Bio

Randy Drake Profile

Randy Drake is a licensed, master plumber with over 32 years' experience in the industry. He founded a plumbing business in 1993 which he successfully sold in 2013. He currently works for a plumbing company based in Traverse City, Michigan.

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