Wisconsin 6 Hour Plumbing Code Definitions

  • 6 Hour Course
  • 4.6 299 Reviews
  • $55.00

This 6-hour class is designed with a primary focus on understanding the definitions and plumbing terms you’ll encounter in the Wisconsin plumbing code. These terms are essential to understand in order to be able to interpret the rules and regulations you’ll see as you reference the Code in your work.

We’ll talk about various fixtures, appliances, drains, vents, sewers, backflow protection, terms used in soil analysis, and more!

  • Approved By: WI DSPS

Instructor Bio

Randy Drake Profile

Randy Drake is a licensed, master plumber with over 32 years' experience in the industry. He founded a plumbing business in 1993 which he successfully sold in 2013. He currently works for a plumbing company based in Traverse City, Michigan.

Course Reviews

299 Reviews